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Observing Mars
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2003: The year of Mars!

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For National Astronomy Week, the following experts on Mars and its environment have kindly agreed to make themselves available to answer questions from anyone who has a specific query on Mars.

Dr. Andrew Ball, Open University
Expertise: Planetary landers, Soviet/Russian space activities, missions to near Earth objects and comets.

Dr. Monica Grady, National History Museum
Expertise: Mars and life on Mars, meteorites, asteroids, comets and impacts.

Professor Barrie Jones, Open University
Expertise: Martian atmosphere and volatiles, life on Mars, history of ideas about life on Mars.

Dr. Paula Martin, University of Cambridge
Expertise: Martian interior, surface processes and magnetic anomalies.

Professor Colin Pillinger, Open University
Expertise: Beagle2

Professor Peter Read, University of Oxford
Expertise: Martian meteorology and climate.

Dr. David Rothery, Open University
Expertise: Volcanology and planetary sciences, involved in characterising Beagle2 landing site.

Mr. Ashley Seabrook, Open University
Expertise: Remote sensing of Mars, understanding the Martian surface, particularly Isidis Planatia.

Professor Lionel Wilson, Lancaster University
Expertise: Planetary volcanic processes, including volcano-water-ice interactions on Mars.

Dr. Ian Wright, Open University
Expertise: Martian meteorites, surface processes, water on Mars, geochemistry.